Security Testing

Perform proactive security testing to uncover your software’s vulnerabilities before hackers do.

Our Security testing service offers abundant choices and benefits

QAonTOP’s security testing service aims to minimize risks and enhance quality assurance by identifying system vulnerabilities. Using a reliable cybersecurity framework, we offer validation services for IoT, Cloud, SAP, and more, ensuring your applications and data are proactively safeguarded.

  • Identify weaknesses in your software, simulating threats before they become irreversible issues.
  • Ensure your defenses are equipped to handle evolving risks.
  • Get clear reports detailing vulnerabilities and work collaboratively to fix them.
  • Safeguard sensitive information and avoid the cost of dealing with breaches.

Risk Mitigation

Our service in risk mitigation significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks.

Data Protection

Guarantees sensitive information's confidentiality, integrity, and availability through robust security testing.

Business Continuity

Security testing safeguards applications and data, minimizing breaches' impact and ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Incident Response Readiness

Prepares for swift and effective responses to security incidents with proactive testing services.

Reputation Management

QAonTOP shields brand trust by proactively preventing security incidents and enhancing trust through rigorous testing.

Long-term Viability

We ensures sustainable business growth by securing digital assets and promoting longevity.

Our testing supports different platforms

Website Security Testing

Examine your web application for exploitable weaknesses to avoid hacking attempts.

Mobile App Security Testing

Identify potential vulnerabilities in your mobile apps to secure functionality.

API Security Testing

Simulates attacks to identify vulnerabilities, ensuring secure communication between software systems.

Network Security Testing

Find and address security gaps in the network devices preventing unauthorized access.

Web App Security Testing

Examine your web application for exploitable weaknesses to avoid  hacking attempts.

Mobile App Security Testing

Identify potential vulnerabilities in your mobile apps to secure functionality.

Cloud Security Testing

Find and address security gaps within the cloud infrastructure, protecting data assets.

Network Security Testing

Detect vulnerabilities in network devices preventing unauthorized access.

Together, we build a stronger defense

At QAonTOP, our collaborative security testing approach fortifies your systems. We begin with planning and scoping to understand your needs, gather information, and model threats. Using automated tools and expert techniques, we uncover vulnerabilities and provide detailed reports with remediation plans, ensuring a secure and cost-effective strategy aligned with your growth.

Result Driven Process

360° Security: Pen Testing for Web, Mobile & Cloud Applications

Our mission is to advance cybersecurity by delivering enterprise-grade solutions that protect businesses and reduce their digital threat landscape.

Vulnerability Scanning

Automating probes identify known weaknesses in systems and configurations.

Penetration Testing

Simulating cyberattacks by ethical hackers to exploit vulnerabilities.

Threat Modeling

Identifying potential threats and prioritizing defenses.

Security Code Review

Analyzing code manually for security flaws like buffer overflows.

Dynamic Application Security Testing

Scanning a running software to discover vulnerabilities attackers might exploit.

Incident Response Testing

Assessing readiness to detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents.

Scalable testing tools

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Don't let software testing
be an issue

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you deliver a high-quality CX that doesn’t hold your digital products back.

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